INFO, Pembroke Regional, Eastern Region, 2018-2019, Can Reg (International Silver Stick)


SANCTION # 18 - 002

Please use the "Registration" link to register your team. The registration form should take you
less than 5 minutes to complete. It is recommended that the Manager or coach complete this
registration as all tournament details will be sent to the main contact. Acceptance will only be
given by the convener when registration and fees are submitted. See our FAQ's. 

   Contact your convener for specific questions

 Kevin Farr   Novice C  Nov. 9 - 11  Oct. 10  Kevin Oct. 22
    Atom B, C  Nov. 9 - 11  Oct. 10  Kevin Oct. 22
 Woody Wood   Peewee AA, B, C  Nov. 16 - 18  Oct. 10  Woody Oct. 22
 Dan McCarthy   Bantam AA, B, C  Nov. 23 - 25  Oct. 17  Dan Oct. 22
 Gerry Johnston   Midget AA, B, C  Nov. 30 - Dec. 2  Oct. 17  Gerry  Oct. 22
     Novice B  Nov. 30 - Dec. 2   Oct. 17  Gerry  Oct. 22


Tournament fees to be paid within two weeks of registration by :

                       1) Check payable to "Pembroke Silver Stick" and mailed to
                                                      P.O. Box 845
                                                      Pembroke, ON    K8A 7M5


                        2) An e-transfer to "[email protected]"

SUBMIT TEAM LIST - Required by Oct. 22 for Program Insertion

Teams will be required to submit their team roster including coaches. We will send you your personal
link to our website in early September. These lists are 
used for our program, game
sheets and website statistics.