General Information, 2016-17 Kincardine Regional, South Western Region, 2016-2017, Can Reg (International Silver Stick)

PrintGeneral Information


Kincardine Regional Silver Stick® Tournament Rules

This Is An OMHA Sanctioned Tournament

  • 1)  All teams must present their “OMHA Approved Team Roster”, or other governing body approved team roster or cards (example Alliance teams), and sign a Tournament Signature Sheet before participating in their first game, (please try to do so 45 minutes before first game).

  • 2)  All OMHA playing rules will apply plus the following Tournament Rule:

    · Any player or team official receiving a Fighting, Match or Gross Misconduct penalty at any time will automatically be ejected from the tournament.

  • 3)  Teams are asked to leave their dressing room in a neat and clean condition within 30 minutes of the conclusion of each game. Any cases of damage to any part of the facility by tournament participants will be followed up on, and reimbursement for repair costs will be required.

  • 4)  VERBAL OR PHYSICAL ABUSE: Any team official, player, or parent found to be abusive toward ANY TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL, PARTICIPANT, VOLUNTEER, OR SPECTATOR, whether ON-ICE OR OFF will be expelled from further tournament participation or admission. Further, any attempt by any team official, player or parent to FURTHER verbally or physically intimidate any game official, tournament participant, tournament volunteer, or spectator will result in expulsion from the tournament of the entire team, with no refund of any tournament registration fees. The final decision regarding expulsion will be made by the Tournament Director and will not be negotiable once made. KMHA rents the arena buildings/facilities for these events and therefore has full legal rights in allowing or not allowing any persons access. Any problems in this area of the rules will be enforced by calling in the O.P.P.

  • 5)  The use of powered air horns (AC electric, battery, compressed gas, crank handles, etc) or any type of siren is strictly prohibited anywhere in the arenas. Human powered, trumpet style horns, cow bells, rattles, etc are permitted, but respect for other person’s hearing is mandatory. We ask that common sense be used and the use of these devices is done so as to minimize discomfort to people nearby, (i.e. move to an area away from other spectators).

  • 6)  For all games, Home and Visiting team designation is determined by tournament officials.

  • 7)  Game/PeriodLength;

    •                 · Novice round robin and semi-finals are 10-10-10 stop time

    •                 · Novice final games are 10-10-15 stop time.

    •                 · All PeeWee & Bantam round robin and semi final games are 10-10-15 stop time

    •                 · PeeWee and Bantam final games are 10-15-15.

    •                 · No Overtime in Round Robin games.

    •                 · No time-outs in any round robin game.

  • 8)  All Divisions – one flood before each round robin game.

  • 9)  One flood before each Novice semi-final or final game. A 3 minute on-ice break will take place after the 2nd period in these games.

  • 10)  One, 30 second time out per team in all semi-final and final games. Both teams’ time outs may be taken on the same stoppage of play.

  • 11)  Flood between 2nd and 3rd period in all PeeWee and Bantam semi-final and final games, (not including OT).

  • 12)  Teams are awarded points as follows:

    •                 · 2 points for a win

    •                 · 1 point for a tie

    •                 · In the event of a tie in group standings after round robin play, the following procedure will be used to break the tie:

      a) Head to head (winner advances). b) The team with the highest percentage, determined by dividing the “total goals for” by the “total goals for and against” (see percentage calculation chart posted in arena and in program). c) The team with the least amount of penalty minutes in round robin play (10 minute misconducts, game misconducts, and gross misconducts all count as 10 minutes for this rule). d) The team that scored first in the game between the two teams.

  • 13)  For all elimination games, placement of teams & designation of home and visiting teams will be made on the basis of the team records after round robin play as determined by the placement rule. In 6 & 8 team divisions - Top 2 teams in each group advance 1st Gr. 1 vs 2nd Gr. 2 and 1st Gr. 2 vs 2nd Gr. 1. In 10 team divisions - Top 4 teams advance to semi finals 1st vs 4th & 2nd vs 3rd.  In 7 team divisions -  Teams will be seeded after first 2 games to determine places for 3rd games.  Winners of the 3rd games will advance to semifinals, and 1st place will automatically play in semifinals.  In 12 team divisions - Top team in each group and 1 wildcard will advance to semifinals.

  • 14)  Tie breaking procedure for semi-final and final games:

    •                 · 5 minute sudden victory period; normal 4 skater playing rules.

    •                 · 5 minute sudden victory period: 3 skaters.

    •                 · Shoot-Out! 3 players from each team take shots, NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY, (one end of the rink at a time). The total score after all 3 players decides the winner. If still tied, 1 player from each team takes a shot, and so on until a winner is decided. No player can shoot twice until all skaters have taken a shot.

  • 15)  The Tournament Director reserves the right to make all decisions regarding tournament rules, regulations or protests. Any protests must be made in writing and all decisions will be final. Rules will be re-visited as necessary up to the start of the tournament, and during the tournament if necessary.


    EXTREME WEATHER This area of Ontario can experience extreme winter weather. In the case of extreme weather, the tournament director will monitor local conditions and make decisions on play or no play. There are many local accommodations available. Generally, teams are expected to arrive in time for games as long as the roads are not closed by the O.P.P. Very often there are alternate routes available. Hwy 21 in the Kincardine area gets closed a few times every winter, but there are alternate routes using “lakeshore” roads, or by going inland and traveling. If you are nervous about traveling at this time of year, please book some local accommodation. If roads are closed by the O.P.P. then teams are expected to obey these closures and use alternate routes. It may occur that early morning or late evening games get cancelled but mid-day games do not. There is a big difference between traveling in darkness and traveling in daylight. If you encounter closed roads, look for reasonable alternate routes. If it looks like you may not be able to make your game on time, contact the Tournament Director at (705) 716-1872(cell). The first back-up date for any game is the first day any arena facilities are available. Any arena may be used if this occurs, not just Kincardine area arenas. This tournament is very close to one of the International Final tournaments (2 weeks) so the games must take place as soon as weather conditions and arena facility availability allows.

    The intent of these rules is to ensure this tournament is an enjoyable experience for everyone associated with this event. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

    Thank You,

    Tia Trudeau Tournament Director Kincardine Regional Silver Stick®