RULES, Pembroke Regional, Eastern Region, Can Reg (International Silver Stick)


General Tournament Rules



1.         CHA rules and HEO regulations and the HEO Code of discipline shall

            apply to all teams, except as noted. Body checking is allowed except in U11, and U13.


2.         Teams are guaranteed three games in all divisions.

            Period lengths in the U11, and U13 divisions will be 10 – 10 – 12

            Period lengths in the U15, and U18 divisions will be 12 – 12 - 12

            No time-outs are allowed in any tournament games.

            Overtime will be played only in quarter-final, semi-final and championship games.


3.         Standings will be based on points: 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie.


4.         TIE-BREAKING will be based, in order, on:

            a) Total Points

            b) The head-to-head record involving the teams tied: (only if 2 teams are tied, otherwise go to 4c).

            c) The best ratio of               Goals For                      in all round-robin games

                                              Goals For + Goals Against

            d) The team with the most goals scored

            e) The team with the lowest number of penalty minutes (misconducts count as 10)

            f) A toss of a coin by the tournament chairman or designate.


5.         For all final round games, the placement of teams and designation of home and

            visiting teams will be made by the tournament director on the basis of the team

            records as determined by rules 3 and 4.  Wild-card teams always place after

            division winners.


6.         OVERTIME in final games shall be conducted in a series of 10-minute sudden

            death overtime periods. During all these overtime periods, teams will play with 3

            skaters plus a goalkeeper. Substitutions are allowed. When a penalty would result in

            one team having less than 3 skaters, the penalized team shall play with 3 skaters

            and the other team shall add one (or two) player(s) for the duration of the penalty,

            returning to the proper number of players at the first stoppage in play following the

            expiration of the  penalty. Teams shall exchange sides after each OT period. 


7.         The team manager or coach must check in at the rink of their first game one hour
            before their first game with their official team roster 
approved by their District Registrar.
            Teams may change their roster at this time, provided they have acceptable documentation.
            Teams may register their full team roster. Teams must have original signed documentation
            for all affiliates.

8.        Games may start, and teams must be ready to go on the ice, 15 minutes before the
scheduled game time. All warm-ups, pep-talks and team rituals shall take place
            before the team goes on the ice. Teams will be allowed only a 2-minute warm-up on
            the ice prior to the game. Undue delay could result in a delay-of-game penalty
            against the offending team.


9.         If the goal spread between two teams reaches 6 goals or more, running time will be

            used instead of stop time, as long as the goal spread remains at 6 or more goals. 

            The game returns to stop time if the goal spread reduces to 5 or fewer goals.


10.       Teams are asked to leave their dressing room in a neat and clean condition within
30 minutes of the conclusion of their game.

11.       Any 5-minute major for fighting will disqualify the player from any further play in the tournament.

12.       A maximum of five officials per team are allowed on the bench.

13.      Players must not go on the ice until all arena staff have left the ice, the Zamboni 

           door has been closed, and the referees are present. Coaching staff must walk

           around the boards to the team bench. DO NOT CUT ACROSS THE ICE SURFACE.

           Infractions will incur a bench minor penalty.


14.      It is the responsibility of the coach of each team to ensure suspended players are

           brought to the attention of the organizing committee. As the Pembroke Regional

           Silver Stick is sanctioned under HEO rules, tournament play is regarded as

           meaningful games. Therefore if a player has a suspension and has not satisfied it

           under their own league rules they will not be allowed to play.