Tournament Regulations, 2017-18 Sudbury Regional, Northern Region, 2017-2018, Can Reg (International Silver Stick)

PrintTournament Regulations

48th Sudbury Silver Stick®

Tournament Regulations

  • A round-robin type format will be utilized.

  • This is an N.O.H.A. sanctioned tournament, and C.H.A. Rules will apply.

  • Silver Stick reserves the right to refuse any entry or entrant, or disqualify any entry or entrant whose conduct is detrimental to International Silver Stick® and/or to hockey in general.

  • Teams must produce written permission from their governing body (i.e.: N.O.H.A.) to participate in the Sudbury Silver Stick® tournament.

  • Fees must sent in within 1 week of processing your online registration.  Other arrangements can be made by contacting the tournament.

  • All inquiries regarding the schedule, time and other related problems should be directed to the Tournament Director.

  • Official Approved Roster must be available at all games.  Only those players registered with the tournament committee, by the entry deadline and in good standing with their respected governing body (i.e.: N.O.H.A.), are eligible to participate in the Silver Stick Tournament, for their respective team.  A team may have no more than 19 signed players on its roster.  No team will be required to play more than 3 games in any one day, with less than 3 hours between games.

  • Sudbury Silver Stick® guarantees each participating team a minimum of 3 games during the tournament.

  • International Silver Stick® pins are awarded to each player of the winning team in the championship games.

  • International Silver Stick® winning teams will be awarded with banners and medallions.

  • Runner-up medallions are also awarded, in the championship games.

  • A game M.V.P. will be given out to one player from each team after every game.  This is chosen by the team staff.

  • Over all player M.V.P. awards will be given out after the tournament to one player from each division.  Novice-Atom-Peewee-Bantam-Midget.  This is chosen by the Tournament Staff.

  • Best team awards will be given out to one team in each division for overall best performance off and on the ice.  Novice-Atom-Peewee-Bantam-Midget.  This is chosen by the Tournament Staff.

  • The applicant agrees that the Sudbury Silver Stick®  and/or its committee members will not be held responsible for any accidents or loss, however caused, and agrees to release International Silver Stick®  and its committee members from all claims for damages, which may arise as a result of, or by reason of, such accidents or loss.

  • International Silver Stick® special rule: Fighting in an International Silver Stick® competition is not allowed.  A major penalty plus a game misconduct will be assessed to any player(s) and he/she will be suspended from the remainder of the tournament. The major penalty will be served by another player, other than the goalkeeper or spare goalkeeper, chosen by the coach/manager of that team.