REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR THE VAUGHAN REGIONAL SILVER STICK November 30th - December 3rd, 2023 3 Game Guarantee All Divisions A Level (Non-Checking) U10, U11, U12, U13, 14, U15, U16, U17, U18 REGISTRATION IS FULL
The following is a general overview of a team registration process for this website. Some tournaments may provide more specific instructions which will be included on-screen and/or within the email notifications.
Items with ** are occurring in the background.
Select the "group" aka "division" you want to register for, click the register button.
Enter your team name and and complete remaining registration questions, items with a red * are required.
If your team has a number/colour or any other unique identifier assigned to you by your home association, please include with your team nickname. Ie London Leafs Team #1 or London Leafs Team Red. This will help your tournament organizers. Note, the "group" or "division" will probably define the age or calibre of your team, so ONLY add that to your team name if it's different - for example, if you're registering for "Under 15 AA" and your team is "Under 14 AAA" then include that somewhere in your team name.
Add your primary admin. This is your team's main contact for the tournament (usually the team manager)
Add alternate admins (some tournaments may require this). These people will also have access to your team's registration and will receive tournament communications (usually the head coach).
Click Submit Registration Button
(Your status will now be SUBMITTED)
Confirm your information, in-particular your email address and if everything looks good click Complete Registration
(Your status will now be PENDING)
The page you are now on is your team's self-management page - you will use this page a few times leading up to the tournament.
** you will receive an email notification confirming your status
** tournament organizers will receive a notification of your Registration
Once tournament organizers have reviewed your registration, they will mark it as accepted or declined. If accepted, you'll need to create an account with this website in order to login and continue with the next steps.
Note: being accepted by the tournament does not guarantee your spot, you will need to make your payment.
** you will receive an email notification of your status being changed to Accepted or Declined.
In the bottom of the email you'll receive is a link to your team self-management page. If Approved, click that link to continue with next steps.
Having an account with this website allows you to complete payment information and manage your contacts (and submit other information about your team).
Click the Account Information button, then
Click the Create New Account button -or- Click the Login with Existing Account if you already have one set-up
To create the account, enter your name, a username, a password and the email address you used to first register your team.
Last step - verify your email address.
** an email just been sent to you with a verification code.
Enter this code into the verification code box
Click the Verify Email button. - this will send you to your team's self-management page
(Your status will now be ACCEPTED)
Tournaments payments will vary. Some will accept credit card payments via SportsPay will others may accept only e-transfers or cheques/checks.
Payment arrangements can only be made once a team has been "accepted" into the tournament.
On your self management page click on the Fees and Payments tab.
Click on the Manage Payments button
Click on one of the available payment type buttons
For e-transfers choose the fee amount and enter the date of the transfer.
For cheques/checks choose fee amount, enter date of mailing and the cheque/check number.
Click Request Payment Verification button
Important: when sending a cheque/check or e-transfers, add the team name and division on your memo line or e-transfer instructions box. You will see the mailing instructions on your screen - they have also been emailed to you.
** Tournament organizers have been notified of your payment being sent. Once the tournament receives your payment, they will apply the amount to your account. Any balance owing will show in your Fees and Payments section on your self-management page.
(Your status will now be CONFIRMED)
Congratulations, you are in the tournament.
Tournament organizers may request documents from you. This could include rosters, travel permits, team photos etc.
If the tournament has this setup, on your team self-management page you will see an Uploads tab. Click the Manage Uploads button to see which documents they require. Add all applicable.
The tournament may also require your "Lineup" which is different than your roster documents. Simply add your player names, uniform numbers, position along with the names of your bench staff and their positions.
Upload your teams's logo to your team's self management page. To the left of your team's name is a blank jersey with the word "upload" under it Click upload and select the file from your computer. Click Save.