Tournament Rules, 2016-17 Bridgeport Regional, New England Region, 2016-2017, US Reg (International Silver Stick)

PrintTournament Rules

Silver Stick Tournament Rules and Policies



1. All teams must be properly registered with USA Hockey. Team Manager/Head Coach must submit     your USA Hockey Team Roster Registration that has been approved/signed by     your District Registrar prior to your 1st game of tournament play-NO exceptions!

2. All USA Hockey rules shall apply, except where noted. Tournament Directors reserve the right to     modify & apply any rule/ruling for the betterment of the tournament and its participants.

3. Sportsmanship is the primary focus of the Silver Stick Tournament and therefore absolutely no     fighting, taunting or abusive language will be tolerated from players, team officials, parents or fans     during the games, in the facility, in the Hotels and neighboring communities. Players team officials     will be assessed penalties in accordance with USA Hockey’s ZERO     TOLERANCE philosophy. Spectators guilty of the above will be asked to leave the facility.

4. Any player or team official assessed a Fighting Major or Game Misconduct penalty     will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament. These suspensions shall be reported to     the USA Hockey District and the home league of the player or team official.

5. In the event that a team damages or destroys a locker room, a ten (10) Minute Major     penalty will be assessed to the respective team for their next game. This means that the     violating team will skate four (4) on five (5) for the first ten (10) minutes of the     next game that they play (includes Crossovers and Finals). There will be NO warnings!

6. Only team players & a maximum of four (4) team officials (names must be on the roster) will be     permitted in the player’s bench area.

7. Home team is expected to wear a light colored jersey and the visiting team is expected to wear a     dark colored jersey. Neck guards and mouth guards are mandatory.

8. No Protests will be accepted. All decisions made by on ice officials are final. 

9. Tag-up off sides is only played in the Bantam division.



-Three (3) minute warm up period prior to each game/teams need to be ready up to     15 minutes prior to their scheduled game start.
-Squirt and Pee Wee games-Three (3) 12 minute stop time periods. If there is a six (6) goal lead in the     third period, running time will be applied
-Bantams games-Three (3) 15 minute stop time periods. If there is a six (6) goal lead in the second     period or later, running time will be applied.

-Running Time-The clock will stop only to set a penalty and will be restarted at the next puck drop.      Stop time will resume once the deficit goes under six (6). The maximum goal differential     per game is SIX.

-NO time outs in round robin play-A One (1) minute time out will be allowed per team in     Crossover and Final games.


Squirt                                              Pee Wee                                          Bantam         

Minor = 1 minute                            Minor = 1.5 minutes                        Minor = 2 minutes

Major = 3 Minutes                           Major = 5 Minutes                           Major = 5 minutes 

Misconduct = 5 Minutes                   Misconduct = 10 Minutes                  Misconduct = 10 minutes



Teams are awarded two (2) points for a win and one (1) point for a tie. No points are awarded for a loss. Standings are based on wins, losses and ties. Advancement to the Crossover round is based solely on points for victories and ties.  In the case of two (2) or more teams being tied in the standings, these tie-breaker rules will be applied in the following order:

1. Head to Head (If multiple teams are tied and they have not all played each other,     the head to head tie-breaker cannot be applied, move to #2)

2. Most Wins

3. Highest Goal Average (Determined by dividing the Total Goals For (Six Maximum     per gameby the sum of the Total Goals For plus the Total Goals against (TGF ÷ (TGF + TGA))

4. Fastest Goal Scored in the 1st Game of Tournament

5. Least Number of Penalty Minutes for all Round Robin Games

6. Coin Toss

In the event that three or more teams are tied, and one or more of the teams are eliminated as a result of any tie-breaker, the tie between the remaining teams shall be broken by following the procedure beginning with #1, and if necessary #2  through #7. Simply put, each time a team is eliminated the remaining teams will “take it from the top.”

It is the responsibility of the team manager and/or the coach to verify the tie-breaking results with the Tournament Officials.


CROSSOVER (SEMI’S) & FINALS Overtime Procedures

If a tie exists after regulation time, a five (5) minute four on four (4 V 4) sudden death overtime period will be played (same penalty rules apply as in regulation play). If a tie still exists after the overtime period, the teams will compete in a three (3) man shootout. Home team is granted the right to pick the order of shooting. 


If a tie exists after the completion of the three (3) man shootout, a sudden death shootout will follow.  Teams must exhaust their entire roster of skaters before any shooter can be repeated. All players are eligible to participate in the shootout unless they are serving a ten (10) minute misconduct or have been ejected from the game for any reason.


When regulation time ends and the teams are 5 on 3, teams will start the overtime 5 on 3. Once player strength reaches 5 on 4 or 5 on 5, at the next stoppage of play, player strength is adjusted to 4 on 3 or 4 on 4 as appropriate.