Hotels, Pelham Finals, Finals (International Silver Stick)


Hotel Detail Sheet

Reservation Method - To book for the Sheraton, Skyline or Clifton
 Have your team manager reach out to to request a block of rooms for the tournament.
(hotel contact - Jeannine)
PLEASE include team name, which hotel, how many rooms and the dates required.
They will get back to them with what is available and once confirmed provide them with their own team reservation link
for Sheraton, or the number to call in and reserve for Skyline and Clifton.


Reservation Method - To book for the Marriott on the Falls
Have your team manager reach out to 
[email protected] to request a block of rooms for the tournament.
(hotel contact - Anastasiia)

PLEASE include team name, which hotel, how many rooms and the dates required.
They will get back to them with what is available and once confirmed provide them with their own team reservation link

Niagara Falls Hotels

Sheraton Fallsview - 1-800-519-9911

Room Rate by Room Type

Traditional - $129

Cityview - $139

Fallsview - $169


Marriot on the Falls - 1-877-353-2557

Room Rate by Room Type

Cityview -       $129

Fallsview - $140


Skyline Hotel - 1-800-519-9911

Room Rate by Room Type

Traditional - $119


Clifton Victoria Inn at the Falls - 1-800-519-9911

Room Rate by Room Type

Traditional - $109



NOTE – all rooms are subject to a service package and taxes