Registration, Aylmer Regional, Niagara Peninsula Region, 2021-2022, Can Reg (International Silver Stick)

AMHA is pleased to announce that registration for our 2021 Regional Tournament is now open.  Please click below to go to our registration page.

Tournament registration form

Refund Policy

If Aylmer Minor Hockey is required to cancel the tournament due to COVID-19 and/or subsequent restrictions, a full refund will be issued to all teams registered to play.  The decision to cancel a tournament will be based on directions from local public health officials.


If a team must withdraw from a tournament due to a member or members of the team being exposed to COVID-19, and the quarantine period cannot be safely completed before the tournament, the team will be issued a full refund.


A team withdrawing due to COVID-19 related reasons will be required to provide a letter from their governing body stating their exposure has been documented.


A team withdrawing for any reason other than COVID-19 will be issued a full refund if requested more than 30 days prior to the start of the tournament.


A team withdrawing for any reason other than COVID-19 will be charged an administration fee of $200 if requested between 30 to 21 days prior to the start of the tournament.


A team withdrawing for any reason other than COVID-19 will not be refunded if requested less than 21 days prior to the start of the tournament.